使用 Unlive,您可以将收藏在 Live Photos 中的照片和视频方便快捷地导出。
Live Photos 的照片瞬间就能变得活灵活现。Live Photos 可以在最近的Apple设备上创建,它们旨在改善传统照片。
使用 Unlive:
- 相关照片可以 jpg,png 或 heic 格式导出(如果设备支持)。
- 相关视频可导出并转化为 mov 或 gif 格式。
- 小修复和改进。
- 潜在的修复问题(在iOS13.2 beta中引入),防止某些带有GPS信息的图像导出。
- 现在,在应用程序中选择视频缩略图时,视频的修改版本(如果有)现在是默认打开的版本。
如果需要,从“照片选择器”中选择“视频”将为您提供选择修改后的版本或原始版本的选项。 - 有些元素(或其触摸区域)稍大一些,以便于操作。
- 小修复和改进。
- 支持iOS13的暗模式。
- 修復iOS版本低於iOS 10的Live Photos導入。
- 小修正和改进。
- 能够通过从屏幕左侧滑动手指返回上一屏幕。
- 在视频选择屏幕中:您可以通过长按视频缩略图来预览视频,获取信息和访问选项(例如删除)。
- 改进了对异国情调视频的支持(比特率/帧率/清晰光圈/像素长宽比)。
- 固定以避免在有许多视频要显示时显示视频选择屏幕之前的延迟。
- 小修正和改进。
- Fix to avoid a crash when the Files button of the video import popup is selected (on iPads with iOS versions lower than iOS11).
- The duration of the video is now displayed below the thumbnail in the video selection screen.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Here are the new features of this version 4.0 :
- Media can be imported into the application using the standard photo picker (its content is similar to Apple's Photo application).
- Media can be imported into the application using the standard file picker (its content is similar to that of Apple's Files application).
- Ability to export the image as a HEIC file (if your device supports it).
- When the media is saved to the camera roll, it is automatically associated to an album named "Unlive".
- The previously selected Live Photo is now highlighted in blue in the Live Photo selection screen.
- iTunes File Sharing has been renamed File, since it is now possible to access media using Apple's File application as well.
- The iTunes File Sharing folder is now visible/modifiable in the Apple Files application.
- The filename of the exported image file is now prefixed by the original filename of the source Live Photo, followed by the current date and time.
- The date and gps metadata information from the source Live Photo is correctly added to the extracted image.
- The request for review popup is displayed less often.
- A small tutorial is displayed while using the app to learn the basics.
Here is the latest version of Subliminal Video!
I hope that you will enjoy the following content:
I hope that you will enjoy the following content:
- Improvements for iOS11 and iPhone X.
- GPS and date of creation are kept when the media is added to the Camera Roll.
- Videos are now sorted by modification date in the "Recently Added" folder and by creation date in the other folders (Photos/Favorites/LivePhotos).
- Various fixes and improvements.
This new 2.0 version brings compatibility to a lot of great iOS features :
- New : Photo Cloud compatibility. All your videos, even the ones in the cloud can be used in the app.
- New : 3D Touch support. A new Quick Action is available in the main screen : open the most recent video in your Camera Roll.
- New : Live Photos support. It is possible to open the video part included in a Live Photo, like you are used to do it with your videos.
- New : Extensions - A live Photo can also be imported directly from other applications like the Photo app.
- New : iPad Pro compatibility. Enjoy the app on the big screen of your iPad Pro.
- New : Multitasking support. Thanks to Split View, use another application at the same time. The layout of the app is adjusted accordingly.
- New : App Thinning & Bitcode support. The disk space taken by the app has been highly reduced.
- Fix : Various fixes and improvements.
- New : Action Extension. It is now possible to rotate your videos and export them, directly inside another application (like the Photo app).
- New : Photo Extension. It is now possible to rotate the selected video, directly inside the Photo app.
- Fix : Preserve input video audio quality (channels/sample rate)
- Fix : Small fixes and improved stability of the application.
- Change : iOS8 adaptation.
- New : iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus support.
This new release is mainly related to iOS7 adaptations and fixes :
- Change : Flat icon, status bar integration, new image background that reacts to user motion.
- Change : Improved Open-in export destination that gives more choices to the user (some of them may however be redundant with the other export destination).
- Change : Simpler video encoding of the exported videos using the Improved Compatibility mode. Those video files should be readable on more video players.
- Change : When exported using the Open-in feature, the video filename is correctly set (to the same one than the one used for Email or iTunes file Sharing).
- New : Icons added to the to export buttons, for a quicker identification.
- New : videorotateandflip:// scheme support to launch externally Video Rotate & Flip.
- New : Disable automatic device screen lock (causing a potential application close) during long conversions.
- New : iPhone5 screen support.
- New : iOS6 adaptations.
- New : On iOS6, "Open In" export feature allowing to send a video directly to another application (handling video import).
- New : Video import Handling to allow other applications to directly send videos to the application.
- Change : Allows music player to continue playing after the application launch.
- Fix : Various bug fixes and improvements.
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