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Earth Puzzle is a new kind of 3D puzzle game.
Thanks to an intuitive gameplay, rebuild those beautiful spheres and their various patterns.
Several difficulties are available from the easy and fun puzzles to some much more challenging ones (where some parts are linked with some others)
The young players and the more expert ones will both be satisfied.
Using great sounds and animations, solve the puzzle like if you were trying to crack a safe.
Unlock new features as you progress.
Play it your way. In portrait or landscape. On IPhone, iPod or iPad.
Compare your skills with your friends with the achievements and scores from game center.
This game was created using Cocos3D (with Cocos2D)
아이폰 스크린샷

아이패드 스크린샷

- New : iPhone 5 Screen support.
- New : Retina display on iPad 3.
- New : It is now possible to control the volume of the game sounds using the hardware buttons of the device.
- Change : Avoid a potential touch problem when an ad is closed.
- Change : Small bug fixes.
- Change : Small improvements.
Earth Puzzle은(는) App Store에서 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다.
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