

Morse-it is an easy-to-use application that lets you translate, interpret, type, learn, convert Morse code, and more.
You can run it on your iPhone or iPad and it is compatible with VoiceOver.

Note: by getting this app, you'll have access to several useful and fun features related to Morse code (these are the features explained in this description).
In addition, you can unlock advanced features in the app if you need them: learning and social features. More information at the end of this description.

Type any text and it will be automatically encoded into a full-screen flashing effect of the corresponding Morse code.
The flashlight of your device is also used.

Your SOS messages will be seen quite far away!

Some sound will also be played accordingly. In detailed mode, the encoded text will scroll during the decoding process.

Tap some Morse code on the screen and the program will translate it into some text.
Several input types are supported: Novice, Straight Key, Memory Paddle, Iambic Paddle (A and B), Microphone. Left and right handed modes are supported.
Test and improve your skills: are you good enough to be understood?

Create Morse code audio files from a given text (or variables).
Use these files as you like: listen to them to train your decoding skills or use them as ringtones for your mobile phone.

Create beautiful abstract wallpapers for your device (or posters to be printed) by customizing the display of the dashes and dots of the sentence you like.

Exclusive feature that allows you to decode in real time the Morse code recorded by the microphone into text (note: the sound must be quite clear/loud and without much noise).
Some automatic calibration is performed, allowing adaptation to speed, tone and volume changes.

The full Morse alphabet (including prosigns) can also be viewed and the associated Morse code can be played.
Tapped and decoded text can be edited and exported to clipboard, in-app email and SMS.
A special screen allows textual conversion of Morse code and text. Exchange encrypted messages with your friends.

Wikipedia and Visual Mnemonic screens to get information and mnemonics about Morse code.
You can also add your own websites for in-app consultation.
The whole application is highly configurable (frequency, WPM, tone type, color, Morse code, variables ...)

A customizable today view widget can be added to your home screen to display the current date in Morse code.

You can also become part of the Morse-it Social Club (thanks to a renewable subscription) and unlock the following Social features:
Messages, Forums, QSO Bot, Poem of the Day, Quotes of the Day, Games of the Day ... and more.

The following Learning features will also be unlocked (but can also be unlocked with a single one-time in-app purchase if you prefer):
Koch trainer, Sending trainer, Cards trainer, CWops Academy learning method, Quiz, Macros, Dictionaries: abbreviations, QSOs, mnemonics, timing (Farnsworth) and Morse alphabet/Prosigns personalization, appearance customization ... and more.

Some Morse-it features are powered by Icom, a world leader in the amateur radio market.

!!! As seen on TV !!! (UK) in Most Haunted Live: Apparently you can use it to communicate with ghosts (no guaranty though :D)


(v8.2.1 with premium features)

아이폰 스크린샷

아이패드 스크린샷

Learning features (in-app purchase or subscription)

They are mainly intended for those who want to learn Morse code efficiently, those who want to improve their skills, and those who just want to practice.

Social club features (subscription)

Use of your existing skills and interact with your friends or other users, play games, work with some daily updated content, and have a good time thanks to the knowledge you have acquired.

Hardware Interface

It is possible to use Morse-it with external hardwares thanks to its Hardware Interface feature.
You can use MIDI devices, external keyboards, iCade compatible controllers, or MFI Game Controllers to control the different Key types displayed on the screen.
The most enthusiastic will even be able to interface their favorite Morse Code key thanks to that feature.

MIDI devices

Every note can be assigned to the dit or dah areas of the touch screen.

Game Controller

Every button can be assigned to the dit or dah areas of the touch screen.


Keyboards, connected using bluetooth, or using USB (thanks to a Camera Connection Kit), can also be used.
Every keyboard key can be assigned to the dit or dah areas of the touch screen.

iCade Controller

iCade compatible game controllers are supported.
In fact those controllers are seen as keyboards by iOS.
To work correctly, those controllers send a different keyboard character to generate a button press and a button release.
(this is necessary, because it is not officially possible to detect key presses and key releases on iOS).
Every iCade button triggers two keyboard characters (one for press and one for release) which can both be associated to the dit or dah areas of the touch screen.

Morse Key : Trinket M0 / iPac / Makey Makey / Adafruit Feather / VBand adapter / Arudino ...

For the enthousiast, it is possible to connect a real key to the iOS device, and to use it thanks to those supported Interfaces in Morse-it (MIDI / Game Controller / iCade / Keyboard).

The easiest and probably best solution is to get the TinyMIDI device.
It uses the MIDI interface (without the problematic side effects as with the keyboard interface) and it uses Bluetooth low energy, so you can connect it directly to your phone or use it remotely with an external power supply.
Finally, you can either uses the capacity touch sensors to use it on the go, or plug your own key thanks to the 3.5mm jack.
Here is a cheap and easy way to create a MIDI adapter using and Adafruit Trinket M0.
A MIDI adapter won't interfere with the iOS keyboard (e.g : the onscreen keyboard will still be displayed), so it should be the prefered choice.
A ready-made solution can be to use the VBand adapter created by Ham Radio Solutions (click here, then click on the "Store" button) which turns a Morse key into a usb keyboard.
In order to use it with your device (on older devices), you will also need a usb to lightning adapter, like the one proposed by Apple, here.

Here is a great video from NexxuSix/KD9MED explaining you how to configure the VBand adapter with Morse-it.
Sum-up: To configure the VBand adapter in Morse-it:
(iOS13.4 or higher is mandatory)
  • as a straight key : Go to Global > Hardware Interface > Straight key > Keyboard> and set Key to Left Control
  • as an iambic key : Go to Global > Hardware Interface > Iambic/Memory > Keyboard>, set Dot to Left Control and set Dash to Right Control
Also don't forget to set your Key type Global > Key type accordingly (Straight or iambic key).
In his blog, Joshua explains in details how to connect an iAmbic key (with support of the dit/dah pressed at the same time).
He is using an Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE (connected to the device using bluetooth).
He is kind enough to share, not only step by step instructions, but also the full source code used to configure the Adafruit.
As showcased by segrus, with a little soldering skill, you can use an Arduino Leonardo to connect your external hardware.
On older devices, a Camera Connection Kit is used to connect the Arudino to the device.
Here is an explanation on how to connect to your Morse Code key, using either a 2-wire or 3-wire interface, to the Morse-it Keyboard Hardware Interface.
A Camera Connection Kit (on older devices) and an iPac2 are used.
Check this great tutorial video from NexxuSix/KD9MED for more information.
Here, the default Morse-it configuration is used :
  • Straight Key press = Space Bar
  • Iambic Key dit = Left Arrow, Iambic Key dah = Right Arrow
(Many thanks to user KD9MED for his help and knowledge regarding this connection).
As showcased by N2RKL, a Makey Makey can also be used to connect an external hardware to Morse-it.
On older devices, a Camera Connection Kit is used to connect the Makey Makey to the device.

자주하는 질문



This release focuses on new features that are useful not only for accessibility, but also for fun and ease of use.
They are disabled by default.
  • Tap : Audio announcements for recognized letters or words. This lets you know if what you have typed has been correctly decoded without having to look at the screen. For disabled users, it is now possible to tap Morse code to make the phone say the words.
  • Koch Trainer : Audio announcements to hear the word being translated. This way you can practice copying by associating a sound with text without having to look at the screen. This works even when the application is in the background.
  • Sending trainer : Audio announcements to hear the word to send, the success or failure result, and the letters or words actually sent. Useful to practice sending without having to look at the screen.
  • Audio announcements can be configured (in the settings screen) to work with different voices and languages.
  • Audio alternatives: Visual feedback can add a blinking area below the navigation bar during copy. This way you can use the whole application without any audio output.
  • Audio alternatives: Haptic feedback can be triggered during each Morse code sound. Another way to use the whole application without any audio output.
  • Hardware interface: Support for the Open Bracket and Close Bracket HID keys to support the TinyMIDI hardware (MIDI mode already works perfectly, but this enables keyboard mode as well).
  • The Settings shortcut (in the Options menu) is also accessible from the 3 Trainers in the Work screen, the Tap screen, and the Decode screen. The audio, global, and user interface-specific settings are now accessible from these shortcuts.
  • A new System Integration section has been added to the Settings screen to present the Widget and Shortcuts feature.
  • Fixed an issue in quiz endless mode that could prevent the text entry from being automatically reset.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.























































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