Color Cycle


Color Cycle is a colorful, simple and addictive puzzle game, perfectly adapted to your Apple Watch, your Apple TV, your iPhone and your iPad.

By pressing one button of the grid, its color and those of the (non-diagonally) adjacent buttons will cycle.
Given a pattern of colors, you have to switch them all off by pressing the correct buttons.
Not only that, but you have to do it in as few moves as possible.
According to the number of colors used in the game (from 1 to 3) the color cycle of the button will be longer, and the game will be harder.

Try to get all the trophies of the different levels or challenge yourself playing to the endless mode with an easy, normal or hard difficulty.
If you are stuck, some hints will let you know if you are on the right track or not.
The game is beautifully animated and reacts immediately, without any loading times.
Play without any constraints : it is even possible to play a game in less than 5 seconds (if you are good enough :)).


(v1.0 on Apple Watch)
(v1.0 on iPhone 6)
(v1.0 on iPad)

Apple Watch skærmbilleder

iPhone skærmbilleder

iPad skærmbilleder

Apple TV skærmbilleder


Color Cycle kan købes på App Store


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