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Thanks to this application (and the other Widget apps from PacoLabs), you can now customize the Home screen and the Today view of your device, by adding custom widgets for some specific purposes.
From anywhere in your device, you'll have access to your own information and actions.
Add various widgets for your different needs.
You can, for instance, add a calendar that will display the current month and the busy days.
You can add your favorite photos of your beloved family and friends.
You can add your horoscope, a photo of the day (from the internet), some audio notes, some world clocks and more...
The application contains some free widgets like the Note widget allowing you to quickly view and edit some text notes and reminders and the Decision widget allowing you to randomly choose one item among several choices.
Each other widget type can be tried and can be unlocked separately.
You can also unlock all the current and future widget types at once, if you are a widget addict !
Those Widgets are compatible with the new iOS 14 Home Screen Widgets.
The application is really easy to use and is adapted to the fresh look of your device.
Dark mode of iOS13 is supported.
In Today view:
You can add as many widgets as you want and they will be displayed in up to 3 different lists. Those same lists will be available in the Today view and in the application (although it is possible, if you want, to hide some widgets in the Today view).
To avoid overloading the Today view, when too many widgets are displayed, an intuitive control will allow you to navigate from one widget to another.
Even if the main purpose of the app is to view the widgets in the Today view, it can also be very handy to view them directly in the application (a long press on a widget in the Today view will open it directly in the main application).
Reviews : appgefahren.de, iphon.fr, mobile.softpedia.com (4.5/5), antyapps.pl (4+), ioshacker.com, gizmodo.co.uk, iapp-mac.com, idevice.ro, iphoneitalia.com
iPhone Screenshots

iPad Screenshots

- General changes:
- Optional buttons to add interactivity to most home screen widgets.
- Widget settings are now saved when you exit the app while editing (you don't have to press Done).
- Ability to use a custom image as background for all widgets whose purpose is not to display images.
- Date Countdown Widget:
- A new widget to display the number of years / months / days remaining until (or elapsed since) a given target date.
- Count:
- Optional widget action to increase/decrease/reset the counter.
- Calendar:
- Optional widget action to change the calendar month.
- Decision:
- Optional widget action to get a random decision directly on the widget.
- Audio Note:
- Optional widget action to trigger a play or record in the app.
- Stop and save recording if you exit the app while recording.
- Cancel record button for when the record button is pressed accidentally.
- Photo of the day:
- New touch action to zoom in and out of the photo in Home screen widgets.
- A specific action can be set when the photo is touched.
- RSS:
- New touch action to zoom in and out the photo in Home screen widgets.
- A specific action can be set when touching the photo.
- Photo:
- New touch action to zoom in and out the photo in Home screen widgets (when multiple images are displayed).
- Ability to crop the photo (with different predefined proportions if needed) after the photo is selected.
- Internet content: Possibility to open the URL of a widget in the internal web browser of the application (without distractions) instead of opening it in Safari.
- Internet content: Possibility to display the image in full screen, instead of opening the URL of the page.
- News: new sources of news.
- Photo: possibility to crop the photo during import.
- RSS Widget : New widget added allowing you to view any RSS feed in a pleasant and highly customizable way.
- Count Widget : In the widget settings screen, possibility to change the current value, the reset value and the increment value.
- Possibility to set a widget name (to be used when identifying the widget to pick in the home screen widget modification popup).
- New free widget added : News widget. Now you can view the latest news, and customise their look (currently in English / French / Spanish / German).
- Background color customisation for all Home Screen Widgets.
- Border color and thickness customisation for all Home Screen Widgets.
- For Home Screen Widgets containing multiple items : possibility to customise the separator thickness.
- Photo Of The day : possibility to display multiple photos and to select the photo index to be displayed.
- Photo Of The day : possibility to customise the refresh frequency (every hour by default).
- Photo Of The day : possibility to display the author.
- Smaller fixes and improvements.
- Clock : The display of seconds (as text) is now possible on the home screen widgets.
- Clock : AM / PM display fix.
- All the widgets are now compatible with the new iOS 14 Home Screen Widgets.
- New widgets compatible with iOS14 Home screen widgets :
- Calendar
- Horoscope
- Quote
- Joke
- Photo Widget changes :
- In the app, when editing a Photo widget, a setting is added allowing to increase or decrease the quality of the images.
- The default value should match your device's performance (and fix a potential problem preventing some images to be displayed)
- You can decrease the value if the photos still do not display correctly or you can try to increase the quality if your device can handle it.
- Increased image resolution of the Photos.
- Display Fixes for when Dark Mode is active.
- Small fixes and improvements.
- iOS14 Home screen widgets compatibility: a first step !
- Every Photo Widget and Note Widget can now be added on your Home screen, as new iOS14 widgets.
- The other widget types will follow in some upcoming updates.
- Clock : Workaround for an iOS14 problem : the time, when displayed as text will be displayed with a unique color (the one of the hours).
- Fixed for a potential crash when adding invitations to events.
- Fixed an incorrect layout of the icons in the bottom bar in the app on some phones.
- Fixed a problem preventing the title date of a clock information to be displayed in some specific cases.
- Possibility to change the position of the navigation arrows to the right or to the left in the today view.
- Calendar : Prevents highlighting today when the calendar is not the one of the current month.
- Small fixes and improvements.
- Fixed a problem preventing events from being displayed on the calendar after a certain amount of time (until the widget was restarted).
- Possibility to display the precise number of events of the day instead of the small dot.
- Fixed an issue where the first custom day of the calendar was displayed incorrectly.
- Quote/Note: Possibility to display the Author field from the RSS feed item.
- Fix to prevent a possible flash of the widget when being displayed.
- Smaller fixes and improvements.
- Dark mode support and simplification of the automatic colors in iOS13.
- Possibility to set the maximum height of the list in the today view in pixels, if needed.
- Possibility to enter a color as RGB value.
v4.0 (4.0.1/4.0.2)
- General: Enhanced display in today's view, with full support for reduced and extended mode.
- General: Adaptations to iPhone X.
- General: Adaptations to iOS11.
- General: Cancel button removed when editing the widget for better consistency (the Close button is always located at the top left).
- General: Displays the first widget extension when Force Touch is used on the application icon.
- Photo: Possibility to zoom on the image in full screen.
- Count: Add sound effects, smaller reset button, cancel button (when the reset is used).
- Clock: Enhanced color customization (hours/minutes/seconds/separator).
- Audio Note: Ability to delete, import and export the audio file.
- Photo of the Day: Enhancements to the identification of RSS feed images.
- Photo of the Day: Update example urls. Add examples for Instagram and Twitter accounts (using dedicated RSS feed generators)
- Various corrections and improvements.
- General: Ability to remove the left and bottom empty margins in the Today View.
- General: Ability to enable high resolution display in the Today View.
- General: Ability to perform searches in settings lists (timezone/font/...).
- General: Ability to change the colors used in the app.
- General: New animation displayed in the background.
- General: iPad Pro support.
- General: Improved resize animation handling in Today View.
- Calendar: Ability to display only specific calendar sources.
- Calendar: Ability to change the first day of the week.
- Calendar: Ability to add a title to the calendar.
- Clock: Ability to display the date in a custom format.
- Clock: Option to remove leading zero.
- Clock: The title height can be increased.
- Clock: Improved handling of various font styles.
- Decision: Improved handling of various font styles.
- Audio Note: VoiceOver improvements.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- New widget : Decision Widget. A decision wheel that can help you taking decisions.
- New widget : Clock Widget. A world clock with different timezones. Analog or digital.
- General : The app now contains 3 free widget (Note, Count, and Decision).
- General : Up to 3 extensions can be added to the Today view. In consequence, 3 tabs are displayed in the app. As before, every tab (and extension) can contain as many widgets as needed.
- General : The app is now also translated in German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.
- General : Possibility to delete a widget from the modification screen.
- General : Possibility to duplicate a widget.
- General : Vibrancy is disabled by default (to highlight that the colors can be updated).
- General : Vibrancy effect is now visible in the application (with a gray background).
- General : Improved handling of the Vibrancy effect when Reduced transparency is enabled in the system options.
- General : The last line separator is removed in the Today View.
- Note : Possibility to display some words in color, bold or italics thanks to some Markup or html like syntax.
- Audio Notes : Small animations added for button presses.
- Count : Small animations added for button presses.
- Calendar : The weekend color can now be customised.
- Joke Of The Day : More English presets added (wocka & fmylife).
- Various fixes and improvements.
My Widgets can be purchased on the App Store
Privacy policy
We do not collect any personal information in this app.
For some of our applications, we may use anonymised analytics information to better understand how the users are interacting with the app in order to improve it.
For more information or support, please contact .
To get some fresh news regarding our work : here is our twitter PacoLabs.