Eye Blink


Eye Blink is an application that allows you to add hidden images and messages in your videos.
Select and customize as many video frames as you want, replacing them with new images and texts.

Most of the viewers won't consciously see those subliminal images, which are displayed for a very short time.
They might, however, have an unconscious impact on their mind.
Use this application just for fun, or to trick your friends.

It is now possible to create videos like the famous “Drink Coca-Cola” and “Eat Popcorn” controversial subliminal advertising (in 1957 by James M. Vicary).
More recently, the movie Fight Club also used subliminal flashes to insert hidden pictures of Tyler Durden at different points in the movie.

Add a unique look to your videos, changing multiple frames to create a specific effect (add color to some images, zoom on a part of the images, change the image, display custom text,...)

The application can also be used to tag small parts of the videos with a text of your choice (for instance your signature), so there will be a visual (but slightly hidden) proof that the video is from you.

This application, which can run on your iPhone and your iPad, needs iOS 5 (or higher) and a front facing camera on your device.
Videos can be imported from the Camera Roll, from iTunes File Sharing or directly from the camera.
Portrait and Landscape orientations are supported.



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